XSS vulnerability in Google image search

Seven days ago I reported to Google Security a XSS vulnerability I discovered in Google image search.
It's not very hard to find , but it's tricky to exploit!

I was looking for an image to set as my profile picture on HackerOne , I found the image I was looking for , opened it in a new tab and something in the url attracted me.

The url was " http://www.google.com.eg/imgres?imgurl=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jb45vwjUS6Q/Um0zjoyU8oI/AAAAAAAAACw/qKwGgi6q07s/w426-h425/Skipper-LIKE-A-BOSS-XD-fans-of-pom-29858033-795-634.png&imgrefurl=https://plus.google.com/103620070950422848649&h=425&w=426&tbnid=ForZveNKPzwSQM:&docid=OEafHRc2DBa9eM&itg=1&ei=9ID8VZufMYqwUfSBhKgL&tbm=isch "

the value of the parameter "imgurl" is set to the href attribute of an <a> tag with the text "View image".

So , I tried changing that parameter to "javascript:alert(1)" and boom , the href attribute changed to "javascript:alert(1)" , How could it be that easy ? well it's not that easy.

When you click on "View image" , the href attribute value changes to " http://www.google.com.eg/url?sa=i&source=imgres&cd=&ved=0CAYQjBwwAGoVChMIjsP-48OByAIVxNMUCh3pSQ98&url=javascript:alert(1)&psig=AFQjCNGcADmmDJe6-BWjcDAJ1pV84euDZw&ust=1442698210302078 " .

I looked into the code and found that google had an onmousedown event that changes the href attribute to google redirection page. Sad , huh?
I tried a lot of things to bypass this , but still no luck!

I finally used my keyboard , pressed the [tab] key till I get the "View Image" button focused , press enter and the XSS was triggered.

12/9/2015 Vulnerability discovered and reported
15/9/2015 Google confirmed the issue
16/9/2015 Fix and rewad


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. hiii are u in facebook
    ur id please

  4. Very Nice Vuln, I'm finding for a vuln in Google, but I'm seeing that it will take me much luck.

    So, good luck for the future, and go on ;)

  5. Hello, I think I am having this problem with google.com/save collection images. I get what seems like a redirect with 3 components and displays a blank page. I can not see any of the images I've stored in Google image collections and I think it may have started when I updated my chrome. It has synced across all of my devices as well. The url starts with https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=.
    Would you be able to help me?


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